Off to Litchfield for New Years…

Well, now that the Christmas travels are over, we decided to hit some extra asphalt…to the South Carolina sand.

SC Is Growing: Maybe We’ll Pick Up a Congressional Seat In a Few Years…

Census estimates State ranks 10th in growth

Migration helps S.C. add 77,601 residents in year


Migration, particularly from the Northeast, has helped boost South Carolina’s growth rate to one of the highest in the nation.

South Carolina ranked No. 10 among the 50 states in rate of population growth in the past year, growing 1.8 percent with 77,601 residents added between July 1, 2006, and July 1, 2007, according to U.S. Census Bureau estimates released Thursday.
South Carolina’s population has grown by 9.9 percent, or 395,893 people, since the 2000 Census, and 68 percent of the growth is due to migration into the state, according to the population estimates.

The state now has more than 4.4 million residents, according to the new estimates. The State


Above is a map of where “Bowl Season” will be taking place. Please note that the Palmetto State, is geographically surrounded by bowl game host states.

Wouldn’t it be nice if South Carolina could get in this mix?

Well, many people in the marketing business say that, “any P.R. is good P.R.” In this instance, it looks like I need to subscribe to this school of thought. It seems as though state house “bad boy” has chosen to have a little bit of fun with us this Christmas season.


FITSNews – December 21, 2007 – If you’ve never visited the action-packed, “thrill-a-minute” website that is Franklin Jones “Real Team”, what the hell are you waiting for, people?
Sure, you might assume that a blog devoted exclusively to the Coldwell-Banker share of the Columbia, S.C. real estate market would be boring, but nothing could be further from the truth. Aside from his drop-dead gorgeous looks, there’s just something about this guy’s gripping prose and exquisitely-crafted witticisms that keep us coming back for more. Like when he refers to homes on the outskirts of Columbia’s lily-white neighborhoods as “border junk,” for example. Ahh … the poetry.

In addition to his probing social commentary, the site also features plenty of red-eyed red hot pictures of Franklin, who as far as we can tell is the closest thing to James Bond you’re going to find in South Carolina … assuming he learns how to tie a bowtie, anyway.

Plus – as much as we hate to admit it – his recap of this year’s Talbot’s fashion show was a helluva lot better than our hackneyed write-up, especially the part where he tells the Junior League girls, “In my bias, you are the best philanthopic organization in the midlands.”
Well “in our bias,” Franklin, you are a damn sexy beast … and we’re sure your brilliant marketing ploys will help you navigate the housing market downturn just fine.


King’s Grant; Columbia’s “Strongest” Neighborhood in ’07

The Columbia neighborhood that hasn’t missed a beat.

So far this year, 17 homes have closed in King’s Grant. The average price is $584,204.00. The average price/ft. is a strong $167.22. My biggest listing in KG is one of the “boat drivers”, closing at $179.21/ft. It is the 2nd highest price sold in 2007, at $650,000. Compare with the list below…
Heathwood – $148.67
Shandon – $147.24
Lake Katherine – $140.88
Wales Garden – $149.05

Keep in mind, that these older neighborhood boundaries are not as easily defined as a gated ones. Therefore, there is some “border junk” that may need to be considered. I simply did a quick search of what neighborhoods the listing agents labeled their listings.

I should mention too, that it is not a perfect market in KG. Houses are staying on the market a little longer than usual. One reason for this is that Sellers set their price too high in the beginning, to “see what will happen.”

At the moment, there are 3 houses on the market in KG, and 2 are “Pending Contract.” In my view, two of them (both patio homes on Oakman) are “aggressivly priced.” At the moment, I know of four (maybe 5) “secret houses” that will sell if I bring a buyer.

I realize that new, gated neighborhoods aren’t for everyone (I live in Shandon). I just thought it may be interesting to folks what Columbia’s leading neighborhood is getting for their homes.

Congrats King’s Grant!


The Real Team has watched, eaten and laughed with Caroline and her pregnancy for 9 months. Tuesday was finally her day, as her son finally joined the world. Congratulations to Caroline, Walks, The Suggs and Millikens.
I hope William likes Mr. Friendly’s, Starbucks and showing houses…. 🙂
Tuesday, December 18, 2007

William Arthur Milliken!
Sweet baby William was born right before 6pm weighing in at 7lbs 2oz and 19 inches long! Mommy and baby are doing great! Daddy, grandparents, aunts and uncles are all so excited and so glad William is finally here!! He is just adorable and so very loved!

Cockominium Hits Ebay

One of our buddies has put his Stadium Villiage Loft on ebay. The “Reserve” is set for $415,000 and the “Buy It Now” is $469,000.
There is also a furnished price that you can see by clicking the link. Happy Bidding!


Sorensen stepping down

USC leader considering other posts at university

Every Little Bit Helps…

2008 Mileage Allowances

The mileage business allowance increases from 48.5 cents to 50.5 cents per mile. Charitable deductions for the use of a car will remain at 14 cents per mile driven. The rates will apply for mileage on or after January 1, 2008.