Hopefully by now we’re all aware that a big, national event is happening this coming Tuesday. An election that will shape our future for years will have Americans at the ballot box from 7 AM – 7 PM, across the country.
If you know me or have read this blog much, you’re aware that one of my mantras has become, “As in politics, all real estate is local.” Real estate is hyper-local, actually, and here’s where I’m going: Tuesday you need to remember two candidates – Avni and Lila Anna.
While you discern between your personal national party politics of Republicans and Democrats, and Clinton and Trump, just remember these two names: Avni & Lila Anna.
Here’s the thing. Everyone knows about the presidential election and I hope everyone goes to the polls. That said, local elections are wildly important and make a direct impact right in our backyards.
Think for a second how important schools are to real estate values, for instance. Price per foot, bedrooms, baths, backyards, garages, number of fireplaces, and pretty trees are boxes to check, for sure. Hear me now: schools trump all that. Schools are the number one driving force of the marketability of your neighborhood and what determines the value of your home.
Now, let me be clear. This is not all about real estate. I only opened that lens because I see it every day and know it well. Here’s reeeally what’s what. Our community. Our beautiful Columbia, South Carolina in which we’ve chosen to live, work, and play. Better schools, better future, better Columbia. #WinWinWin
Bringing it to a personal level, I have three little girls that I love and adore. There you go…
As you go to the polls please vote for Avni Gupta-Kagan and Lila Anna Sauls for your at-large school board seats. I’m not just typing about them because they’re my choices. I’m typing this at 4:09AM because we are lucky to have them as candidates.
If you have any questions, or if I can help get you any information about the election, candidates, or the issues, please don’t hesitate to call 803-447-8683 or email Franklin@FArealtygroup.com .
Thank you!
Franklin Jones
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