Thank You Friends @ Push Digital!

You may or may not have noticed, but for the first time in 12ish years the blog was “down.”

I have plenty of content from the last week/weekend but I feel compelled to thank my friends at Push Digital. They’ve hosted this blog ever since Wesley convinced me to switch from Blogger to WordPress, and while we began our professional journeys around the same time, this real estate blog is on straight up punk level compared to the client list that Push Digital has put together. That said, even though I don’t get a million clicks or raise money for their candidates Wesley, Phil, Michael, Matt, Greg, & Emily looked out for me.

While it wouldn’t have ended the world if we couldn’t get it back, I’m not sure many folks know that I’ve posted somewhere between 1,500 and 2,000 blog posts on this thing over the years. It’s become sort of a journal for me and has proven to be a great pillar of business for our practice.

Thinking back, I can remember Rep. Nathan Ballentine and me being the first “sponsors” of one of the early projects that would later become Push Digital, “Pub Politics.” I took $50.00 to Columbia Brewing Company (or whatever bar they were filming in). In return, I got a few mentions during the show. It was fun.

Big shout out to my friends at Push Digital. I appreciate it very much.

Thank you and please say HELLO!!! to Elizabeth for me! We miss y’all in Columbia!

Franklin Jones

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