New Downtown Projects Going Up!

Devereaux3935Macgregor3708Kipling813After years of not being able to give away vacant lots (new construction projects) around Downtown Columbia, SC (or for the rest of the United States, for that matter), today is a new day! These days, move-in ready new Downtown homes are at a premium. That said, I want you to know about these as you browse around the Internets.

All of the projects/pics above are in primo locations and are sure sales once they ‘turn the corner,’ and start taking shape when sheetrock and other fun finishes like tile and backsplash are installed.

If you or anyone you know would like to know more about what’s going on regarding ‘infill’ new construction in Downtown Columbia is concerned, please call 803-447-8683 or Amanda at 803-609-0526.

Thank you and just trying to keep you ahead of the curve!


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