League Members Spring Into Action

Townes Gives Great Interview About Attempted Theft

I’ve seen first hand what the women of the Junior League of Columbia are capable of. Year after year, I continue to be impressed with their extraordinary projects and efforts. These women give their time, talents and treasures to make good things happen throughout our community. Once again, members of the League went beyond the call of duty.

In case you haven’t heard, two young boys chose to steal the “donation bottle” from Junior League volunteers that were working to raise awareness and money at Wednesday’s Harvest Hope Diaper Drive. These young boys chose the wrong group to steal from.

I’m not exactly sure how much money was in the bottle. If I know these women it wouldn’t matter. The members of the League are proud of what they do no matter the monetary amount.

Every year these women raise dollar amounts well into six figures for different projects throughout the Midlands. As impressive as the dollar amount is, the real pride are the thousands upon thousands of woman hours that are contributed throughout each year.

What should make readers and supporters even more proud is the fact that Junior League veterans are out there with the newer members attempting to make things happen. The fact that JLC President Townes Denemark was present and Shannon Pooser (reportedly the one chasing in the car) was involved speaks volumes.

Good for the women of the Junior League of Columbia. This is only another reason why I contend this organization is perhaps the best philanthropic organization in South Carolina.


  1. Amen!

  2. Catching up on your blogs!! it has been a while! I was one of those women on foot!! Hope yall had a wonderful Christmas!!


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