Unbelievably, the bill doesn’t include the anesthesia (yes they knocked me out) or the surgery itself. As most of my friends know, I’m all about giving the benefit of the doubt, but this was quite an eye popper.
Maybe I’m wrong but I sure feel like for $10,000 I could’ve stayed at a swank Five Star with Victoria’s Secret models throwing pixie dust in the air while woofing on a Mr. Friendly’s rib eye. Guess not!!
All things considered, I have to give a shout out to the nurses and staff of Palmetto Health ‘Baptist’ and my surgeon, Dr. Hugh Wilcox. He took great care of me, did a great job, and continues to do so.
yes baby. It is rather amazing. Exceeding expectations is WAY down the priority list!! Getting you out without killing you is the primary objective (Medical error, OUCH).
Value is key….that is Quality and Cost…bang for your buck. Try 4-star health care in Thailand, Dubai…medical tourism…Posh, timely, accurate and affordable. An interesting angle that Companion is investing in…