Pumped/Flattered To Share Our Brand of Real Estate
Last week, I was asked to sit on a panel at a regional Coldwell Banker seminar/convention. If you know me, this isn’t really my “thing” for two reasons: 1) I don’t feel comfy doing anything but hustling during weekdays. For instance, it’s like pulling teeth to get me on a golf course Monday – Friday… even for charity. 2) Sharing how I/we do things with other Realtors isn’t really part of my wheelhouse. This said, I’m flattered to have been asked, and will be heading to Charleston as soon as I drop Finley off at her little school house.
Although I don’t know quite what to expect, I’ve been coached to focus on how I/we ‘work’ social media, and how we utilize other tech tools in our business. While I don’t think I have anything revolutionary to report, I do recognize we’ve garnered a big ‘tech savvy’ reputation. True, we were one of the first to blog, first on Facebook/Twitter, and the first to utilize QR Codes in Columbia’s market. I’m guessing everyone in the audience is aware of these social media outlets, they just want to know “how” we’re utilizing them.
Admittedly, we strive to stay ahead of the curve. For example, I blogged about and placed QR codes on our listings almost six months ago. Fast forward to April, and we see WIS News (the news leader in Columbia’s market), did a story about QR Codes just last week. Yes, I smiled a little. 🙂
Again, I’m flattered to have been asked, and while I’m going against a few of my internal rules, I’m happy to share! I do wonder, however, how puzzled the audience will be to learn that I’m not friends with any Realtors on Facebook.
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