A Night with the Stars Brain Injury Awareness Event
USC vs Clemson Week is kicking off with a great event Monday night. Palmetto state recruiting icon Clyde Wrenn and family are bringing out the Gamecock/Tiger legends to thank the medical staffs of Palmetto Health Hospitals for the work they do.
USC vs Clemson Week is kicking off with a great event Monday night. Palmetto state recruiting icon Clyde Wrenn and family are bringing out the Gamecock/Tiger legends to thank the medical staffs of Palmetto Health Hospitals for the work they do.
The rivalry between the two schools is exciting but what makes it fun is that South Carolina is a small state and each fan base knows each other very well. “Mixer” fan events like this make it even better.
Join us Monday as we support the awesome staff at Palmetto Health and have fun with some of our states all-time football personalities.
Join us for a night of fun in honor of the surgeons, doctors and nurses of Palmetto Health Richland Hospitals Trauma Unit at Seawells Restaurant (former site of the Tally-Ho, Columbia, SC) on November 23, 2009 from 6:30 – 9:30 p.m. with George Rogers, Jeff Grantz, Harold Green, Ryan Brewer, Corey Miller, Danny Ford, Ed McDaniel, Steve Fuller, Chris Gardocki and Jeff Davis (other former college and professional players and coaches will also be attending as guests).
Each guest will receive,Food, Drinks (Alcohol Included), Autographs from the Stars, (Picture Poster of the Stars Included), Pictures with the Players and Coaches, Prizes, Auctions, Music and Stories from the Stars (Cameras will be permitted).
Each guest will receive,Food, Drinks (Alcohol Included), Autographs from the Stars, (Picture Poster of the Stars Included), Pictures with the Players and Coaches, Prizes, Auctions, Music and Stories from the Stars (Cameras will be permitted).
$100.00 per Guest; Make checks payable to, “A Night with the Stars”
Mail to:Carolina Clemson Week – ATTN: Julie Felker 200 Steeple Drive, Columbia, SC 29229
For additional information or questions or to pay by credit card, contact Clyde Wrenn at (803) 463-5667, Tracy Huddleston at thuddleston@fnf.com or stop by Sweet Olive in I’on (Mt Pleasant, SC)
Thank you for your support,
The Wrenn Family and Friends
Meet friends and talk FOOTBALL!
(Business Casual Attire please)
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