Downtown Columbia’s New Zoning Ordinance is Happening…
Marc Mylott, Columbia’s Zoning Administrator, sent this out a few days ago. Email me at , if you would like to see the document… FJ
Greetings Everyone . . . as requested by City Council, the proposed ordinance for interim measures will be on their agenda for this Wednesday, February 20th. We just finalized this very complex ordinance yesterday. Please note that, in the event City Council wishes to receive legal advice concerning the ordinance, it would be in executive session and the ordinance would be held over for consideration until their next meeting — Wednesday, March 5th.
For your information, I have attached a copy of the ordinance as it appears within City Council packets.
Best regards,
Marc S. Mylott,
AICP Director of Development Services / Zoning Administrator City of Columbia
risque pic!!!
Hey, I thought this sight was for family entertainment?!?!?!
Gimme more of dat
I,for one, think we should cut through as much of that red tape as possible.