I’m A Better Person For Having Known Jimmy Evans
Wednesday, the downtown Columbia real estate world stopped for a moment to say goodbye to longtime Realtor, Jimmy Evans. It was a good, moving funeral which included his grandson playing Jesus Loves Me on his violin (This tugged everyone’s hearts, big time).
It’s clear how Jimmy was loved in the real estate community, by the number of attendees. Realtors/agents from all companies were present, while pretty much every Realtor from Coldwell Banker – Midtown was there.
Jimmy was certainly a character of the industry. He was fun to be around, and if a person would take the time to listen, they’d surely learn something from his experiences and very advanced thought process.
Jimmy knew me, before I knew him. When I first entered the doors as a newbie at CBUR, Jimmy approached me about how his wife knew who I was. Little did I know….his wife, Carolyn, took care of my late wife Kinsey (and the Blacks/me) when we were ‘living’ on the 8th floor of Baptist Hospital. As you can imagine, this was an attention getter. Enter, instant friendship. Over the years, Jimmy and I became pretty good buds, and worked well together on our various transactions.
He was well known for giving an educated, long answer to a simple “yes, or no” question. His mind was like an encyclopedia and sometimes we just had to wait for Jimmy’s longer than necessary version of an answer. We’re better for this.
Jimmy and I logged many hours talking state and national politics. He shared story after story, many of which involved Sen. Strom Thurmond, et all. Further, he had a particular fondness for Henry McMaster. I can’t imagine the hours we conversed about state and national politics.
It gives all of us peace that Jimmy knew his place on earth. Anytime I’d ask him, “How you doin’, Jimmy?” He’d answer, “Franklin, I’m above the soil.” You get the idea. Further still, he knew his Maker very well.
We’ll all miss Jimmy very much, as our office won’t quite be the same without him. He was a good real estate man, and moreover… a good man.
Wow! I hadn't heard he passed. That is a tremendous loss to our community. Heaven got another good man!