Since July 4 falls on a Wednesday this year, many of us are confused as to which weekend we should celebrate our nations birthdate. Some, in fact, are utilizing this as an opportunity to have two holiday weekends. After all, living in South Carolina, that means a lot of beach time. Perfect!
Converseley, some of our clients cleverly chose the upcoming week to close on their new homes. With that, we’re celebrating “The 4th” by doing some good ole’ American commerce.
The homes in the pics above are scheduled to close Monday, Thursday, and Friday, respectively. If you think about it, these buyers and sellers are pretty smart, as the new owners of Lord Neslon Ct., Florawood Drive, and Delano Drive get to take advantage of this unusual week to move into their new homes.
Just as a point of information, and so CMLS recognizes I’m not false advertising, Lord Nelson Ct. and Florawood are not my listings. We represent the buyers on both. It also may be interesting to some readers that Florawood has been on the market since May of 2007. You just never know!!!
I can’t imagine a better way to celebrate our nations freedom than doing a little business. After all, we’re helping hard working tax paying folks acquire private property, so they can enjoy the American dream.
What a great week!
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