Getting Together After The Party!

microphoneRemember when we all got together at Dianne’s on Devine after the Holiday Market Preview Party?  Sure you do! As fun as the Preview Party is, some of our best memories were at the after-party, hangin’ out with awesome friends in a PACKED venue with Ross Holmes making it happen on the dance floor.

Good times in mind, the fun has been shifted to Za’s for the After-Party!  Everyone knows Za’s (half of us probably met at Za’s!), everyone knows The Ross Holmes Band, and everyone needs an after-party. BOOM – There you go!!!

In the next day or two a Facebook event page will be created as a reminder. Is attending Preview Party a prerequisite to the after-party? Heck no…who cares?!! Cash bar & menu, so come on!

We’ll see you at Za’s hanging out, laughing hard, and dancing to Ross Holmes Band starting a little after 10ish.

Thank you!


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