Tonight we were @701 Whaley to celebrate the accomplishments of the 2011-2012 edition of the Junior League of Columbia. Once again, this group has a lot to celebrate.
The “JLC” is, in my bias, is an unrivaled organization in Columbia, South Carolina. This year, they raised over $268,000, of which, is generously distributed to other entities throughout the Midlands. Even more impressive than the monies raised, perhaps, is the sheer “woman power” The League projects. Compiling thousands of collective work hours, The League is an absolute army of grassroots volunteerism. I’m not sure any group in the Midlands comes close.
If you know me, or read this blog regularly, you’re aware The Junior League honors my late wife, presenting the Kinsey Black Jones Award to the most deserving 1st, 2nd, or 3rd year active member. For 10 years now, I’ve stepped to the podium and proudly presented plaques to awesome recipients. Last year, a new tradition was born, as Jennifer is now involved in the program. It’s a proud moment, and I think Jennifer is happy to stand with me.
In her short adulthood, Kinsey loved being a very active member, and truly believed in the good works The League. When she fell ill, I remember her friends coming to get her, so she could, “pick up a shift.” It was important to her to fulfill her duty, and she didn’t want anyone to have to pick up her slack. There was no slack…
701 Whaley proved to be a good venue for the event, and President Kristy Ellenberg did a fantastic job navigating through the fun program. Well done, Junior League of Columbia, and congratulations to the ones recognized. Once again, this organization proved they are the premier philanthropic organization in the Midlands.
I’m humbled and proud to be a part of the event, and thankful to The League for the what they’ve done in Kinsey’s memory.
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