Balance Between Friends And Followers

Friend, client and Internets expert Wesley Donehue recently Tweeted a notion that I’ve been thinking about for a while now. A few days ago Wesley Tweeted, “Disconnecting Twitter and Facebook. Hope this worked.” Since I’ve been thinking of doing the same, I wondered where his rational was coming from. Turns out a friend of his wrote an informative post: “Let’s Not Be Friends On Facebook” Interesting…

While I agree with Wesley and Mr. All on some levels, our reasons are different. Unlike Mr. All (and most Realtors, by the way), I’ve been disciplined (w/ intentional and unintentional results) when it comes to “accepting” friends. In short, I know all of my friends on Facebook. Sure, I’ve had to stare at some pictures for a few minutes while my brain runs into an “Oh, Yeah!!” moment, but for the most part I know my ‘friends’ and they know me. Conversely, I probably don’t know half of my followers on Twitter.

Since I recognize the difference between the social media platforms, I’m conscience too about which ‘comments’ are better suited to be ‘Tweeted’ instead of announced to my more intimate friends on Facebook. Any Facebook friend of mine can easily see which medium I chose by the little icon in the bottom left corner of each ‘Update.’

I think Mr. All’s thoughts are right on, and can see why Wesley unhooked his Tweets from his Facebook posts. However, since I distinguished the differences from the beginning of the social networking world, I’ll keep my current course and place my thoughts/tweets/pics in the proper places accordingly. For the time being, that is…


  1. Good points Franklin. I accepted David's notion that the Facebook and Twitter universes are two completely different types of people who we have to treat differently. I think its a little different for you and your purposes. You do a good job with it.

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