Thanks For Letting A Proud Dad Be Proud!

FinleyStateHouse6FinleyStateHouseFinleyStateHouse1FinleyStateHouse2FinleyStateHouse5FinleyStateHouse4In the age of Facebook, Flickr and Shutterfly it’s difficult to keep photos secret if you intend to mail them to moms and grandmothers for a fun Mother’s Day surprise. Well, now that our moms have their pics of our girl, Jennifer has posted the pics for the world to see, so I’m doing it too.

As a proud dad you can imagine how I feel about the pics above. I pretty much can’t get enough of ‘em. I’m obviously biased, but Finley is about the most photogenic person I can think of.

Thanks to Stacey Quattlebaum for capturing such awesome images of our little girl (and my super gorgeous wife). Stacey has done a fantastic job and because of our fondness and relationship, Jennifer and I almost consider Stacey as a part of our family. In short, she’s awesome and produces top shelf images that we’ll always be proud of.

Having to sit for a pic is really not my favorite thing in the world to do. Actually, it wasn’t long ago that if I saw someone clicking a camera I’d leave the room. That said, Facebook and Twitter have desensitized me a lot (most of us, I would suspect) and when it comes to the family shots I try to be a good sport and keep my squinty eyes open the best I can.

Once again we had a great time during the session. Stacey Quattlebaum at “Naturally Wonderful” makes it very easy and fun for all of us. And to think, we have two more on the way! 🙂

Thanks for letting me be a proud dad on the blog!!


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