Wow! Look at this thing. While surfing around looking for the next latest and greatest concept to apply to our real estate practice, I somehow ran across this beast. You know the drill; click, click, click, Oooo…that’s cool, click, click. Throughout each day, I think we’re all diverted to different Internet ‘rabbit holes.’
While the super sleek yacht is impressive enough, the coolest part is when you realize that the pool on the back is retractable. Nice!
While I have Pinterest account, I’ve yet to “Pin” a single pic on the wildly popular social media site. One reason is because I’m not sure I want to open another door of ‘clicking.’ After all, with Texts, emails, uploading MLS, Zillow,, Facebook, Twitter, and the blog, sometimes I feel like that’s all I do. Perhaps it’s time to suck it up and start ‘Pinning.’
Anyway, how many heads would this boat turn if it were to cruise around Lake Murray. I’m not sure The Rusty Anchor would know what to do! Better yet, what if it showed up at The Heritage in Hilton Head?? Maybe we’ll see Tiger glide up to the dock in one of these.
Who knows if the folks in the pool are standing on some layer of plastic, or a rigid net. In my bias, who cares? This thing is an awesome spaceship on water that seemingly defies gravity.
I wonder if the owner of the concept would consider owner financing a group of Sandlappers. Just kidding!, but fun to think about for a few secs.
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