As we all read in The State today, Wheeler Hill is about to get a face lift. This already awesome neighborhood is about to get better.
Wheeler Hill is full of “city homes” that have all of the modern amenities and square footage without the burden of a big yard. Although not for everyone, this is obviously a dream for some Columbia residents. Actually, the project that I blogged about last is just across Wheat St. from Wheeler Hill (towards Wales Garden). So the area is going to enjoy more of an upgrade than The State reported.
I often tell people that the best interior Columbia home that I’ve seen is “Andre’s house” (now it is being called “Lowell’s house,” as it was recently purchased by one of Jolie Magazine’s “Most Eligible Bachelors,” Lowell Bernstein). As sad as it is for the family who lived there, no one will be happier to see the “blue house” go. As the blue house sits now you can jump onto the roof from Lowell’s house. Lowell’s house, along with a few others, should enjoy some sort of instant equity bump when the blue one is razed.
Also, one of the nicest homes I’ve ever sold and/or listed is in Wheeler Hill (it’s on the market now, on Phelps). The bathroom is like something you would see in Vegas (that’s what they tell me. The Venetian, more accurately). It really is a great master suite.
Congratulations to this neighborhood. It sounds like it’s been a long time in the making.
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