Tough Day Makes For Fam Pic Post…

I hit a little bit of a wall today. Somehow I caught a tinch of a sinus infection on the same day I’m “cleansing,” which means I don’t eat anything for two days. So, other than sleeping about three hours last night, consuming about 250 calories today, and a feeling that the other side of my nose is on fire, I’m good! Things were so kinked up today that I emailed my friends at to pull my ad. I just didn’t think I’d be able to blog tonight and wanted to avoid the pressure of ad clicks finding dormant content.

Hopefully a couple of hours at Doctor’s Care has done the trick. While I usually just ‘tough stuff out,’ if I got Jen or one of the girls sick, it would be major awfulness. This line of thinking had me wondering if I should bust a hotel, or maybe sleep in the floor of one of our vacant listings. 🙂

All this said, I thought tonight would be a good night to post a few pics of the twins. After all, they’re the cutest things that have ever breathed air this side of Pluto. Further, I know there are quite a few friends not on Facebook that want to see a pic or two.

Whoa… I need to stop typing and get horizontal as it’s now 2:10. Next feeding is at 3, then 6, then Finley to school by 9, and I need to be ready for any or all of them.

Nite, nite!


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