If you know me or a regular reader of this blog you’re aware that I’m very much a Starbucks person. That said, I’ve recently been made aware that a lot of my friends don’t know that a brand new Starbucks is headed to Millwood Avenue in the center of Melrose Heights, Heathwood, & Old Shandon Neighborhoods!
The tractor has been cocked for a while now and there’s no branding on the property yet, and amid the Covid-19 pandemic, I understand why folks wouldn’t know what’s going on if it’s not on your necessity route.
For reference, The Thomas Law Firm (formerly The Gillespie Agency) is on the other side of the tractor in the image above, and across the street are Bollin, Ligon, Walker, and Franklin Plumbing.
Good stuff for all of us and especially the businesses around this Global Brand!
Thank you and see you at Starbucks!
Franklin Jones
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