“Hopefully, Tommy Beecher or Chris Smelley can improve and really jump out there and play like Steve Taneyhill,” Spurrier said. “Taneyhill came out there with his hair flapping and with an air of confidence that I’m going up and down the field and you boys can’t stop me. I wish we had one like that. We don’t have one like that. We haven’t had one since I’ve been here.
This is what Coach Spurrier told a group at USC Aiken last Tuesday. Finally, someone said it, that’s at the top of the heap.
Now, we all know that Taneyhill wasn’t the greatest athlete of all time. Actually, it was a surprise when we saw a perfect spiral come off of his fingers. However, this guy had spunk. He had swagger.
We need a guy that has some mojo between the ear holes. No matter who the opponent was, Taneyhill said to himself, “To hell with this crap, we’re gonna get first downs. We’re gonna bust you up, and we’re gonna win.”
This is one of the reasons that the Garcia debacle was so hurtful. This guy was creating a buzz of confidence. It’s too bad he decided to show off in 5 Points, rather than Williams-Brice.
Smelley or Beecher need to step up. Actually, they need to get out of the huddle saying to the defense, “STEP OFF.” One of them needs to say to themselves that, “I’m a quarterback, and I’m going to sling it and wing it down the field.”
Actually, I thought it would be Smelley. I thought that he would make it such that he would want to “show up” his Alabama recruiting rival, Tim Tebow.
Smelley/Beecher, get it on. Expect to go down the field. Expect to score, and expect to win.
These guys need to walk around Williams-Brice, like they used to cruise their high school hallways. Taneyhill did…
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