We had some good, well-priced properties hit the market in the last few days. I don’t mean to type about it lightly, but more as a point of information and suggestion.
That said, the listings at 212 Chimney Hill Road @ The Hamptons and 3214 Monroe Street @ Shandon enjoyed multiple offers within 24 hours of being on the market. They went so fast, actually, that I didn’t have time to blog about them. They went so fast that I have to take you to www.Facebook.com/FranklinandAmanda to see any interior pics as they’ve been taken off the Zillow/Trulia/Realtor.coms of the Internet.
Since they’re off the market, you may be wondering why I’m posting about them at all. Bragging, maybe? Hardly. The reason is that I’m trying to give a professional perspective that if a cool, solid, good house hits the market and it fits your personal wheelhouse, you need to act.
During the weekend we’ve contacted more Realtors and buyers that these homes are no longer available and canceling showings than we have called/texted promoting them. #GoodProbz
In short: May you stop chasing real estate unicorns live happily ever after. 🙂
Thank you!
Franklin Jones
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