Snow Pics Can ‘Postcard’ Most Anything

There’s no doubt, our Amy takes some of the best pictures in the industry. That said, a home somehow seems most photogenic when it’s covered with snow.

Whether it’s an old leaning country barn, stately King’s Grant stunner or a Heathwood mansion, there’s just something about a scene that’s filled with snow.

If my little girl wasn’t so sick on Sunday, I’d decided Saturday night to cruise by as many listings as possible to snap a ‘snow pic’ of their front facades. It would’ve been a fun and productive little project.

The next time it snows, I’m going to ride by as many houses as I can, and even ask my sellers to stand in their streets to capture the temporary image. As far as marketing materials are concerned, we probably shouldn’t use the snow scenes as ‘Pic #1’. That said, I certainly think there’s enough room for one snow pic in the presentation.
Given today’s technology, we have the ability to project listings in many ways. However, I can’t think of many tools that are as effective as a good picture with a few white inches on the roof.

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