County “Officials” Disagree w/ Local Headlines
Below are excerpts from an article in The State Newspaper, concerning complaints from taxpayers that their property tax bills are too high.
I’ve read headline after headline in The State, that home sales and property values have plummeted. Many times, the articles aren’t so damning, but the headlines are sensationally negative. Since property taxes are directly related to value, homeowners are citing the negative headlines as their best argument for a lower tax bill.
Interesting that the last line I pasted below, is pretty much what we’ve been saying all along.
What I’m getting at is…all the sudden now that it’s time to collect, “Home values in the midlands, have largely held steady” is the argument the counties are using to battle the residents arguments.
Hmmm…. I’m not blaming the counties at all, but maybe the counties could join together and ask The State to print in what “officials say” on the front page. FJ
As this year’s property tax bills head to homeowners, taxpayers in metropolitan Columbia are starting to grumble that their taxes are too high because of depressed home values.
Tax bills in Richland, Lexington and Kershaw counties are based on property values determined from 2003 to 2006, county assessors and treasurers said Friday.
David Whetsell, 64, of Lexington County has repeatedly complained to the county about taxes being too high.
“If house prices are dropping nationwide, doesn’t that mean the house is worth less, so it needs to be reassessed at a lower value?” he asked.
The Answer: Home values in the Midlands have largely held steady in the face of plummeting prices across the nation, officials say.
Shakin’ head, and LOL! FJ
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