I Flew Solo, In a Very Busy Week….
The week was especially hectic, b/c my “Team Manager” was in Garden City. We got it done, though.
The easiest one, was Sylvan Dr. (not pictured). N. King’s Grant Dr. was BY FAR, the most difficult. I’ll bet I spent over 20 hours at that house, trying to get letters cleared up and inspection issues finished. My car was in front of Jones Andrew’s house for two straight days.
As a surprise, I received an offer on 8 Derby Ct. on Thursday. It took some doing, but we ratified a contract late today. My wife waited patiently, as we were supposed to leave for Litchfield around 5:00. We finally hit the road around 7:30.
You go buddy! I’m proud of you, and a little relieved! I’ll be closing one and preparing for our next two while you’re gone. Have fun! Go Real Team!