Phone Now Vibrating Early and Earlier

Email, Facebook & TXTs Probably Best Before 9am
While I try hard to communicate with as many friends and clients as possible, I’ll never claim to be a telephone answering champion. It’s constant challenge that I’d love to perfect.

Email, texting and Facebook afford Realtors the opportunity to to keep up with all facets of their client’s lives but the job also requires a lot of face to face time. I happen to think that if I’m with someone face-to-face, I shouldn’t answer the phone and interrupt that face-to-face interaction with a 10-minute telephone talk with someone else. I can only think that everyone would like the same courtesy.

Enter the current morning telephone situation. As our listing/sold inventory has grown, the phone is ringing more and thank goodness for it! What has transpired though is a new blitz of calls between 7:30am and 9:00am; enter Finley Jones and her morning routine.

While I appreciate that folks want their needs met, only so much can be done before I drop Finley off at her little school house. Lately the phone has been buzzing hard early, and as I try my best, I simply can’t answer the early morning vibrations. My face is either full of toothpaste, hands full of diapers, or I’m helping Jenna make ‘botbots’ for Finley’s day ahead.

I only type this because I’ve felt an uptick in the amount of early morning calls. Given that we’re in a sliding scale/imperfect system and the fact that I’m a natural ‘pleaser’… all I can do is try my best.

I’ve pondered changing my mobile number (perhaps to differentiate business calls from personal calls) or purchasing a ‘team phone’, but now that Amanda is on board we seem to be doing better with our current PhoneTag system.

YAY for all of the action and I hope it compounds as we grow our practice, but given Finley’s morning routine, calls before 9ish will likely be returned at a later time. As a Realtor, it’s a wonderful problem and wouldn’t trade this situation for anything.

If you’re an early morning caller…Finley, Jenna and I THANK YOU for any patience that can be afforded! 803.758.1669 (office vmail) or 803.447.8683 (m/text) 🙂


  1. Wah, Wah!

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