This is a combination of two stories in The State regarding Historic designations. My mom is not going to be happy to know that her generation of houses are now deemed "Historic." FJFor '50s Style, Still Happy DaysColumbia neighborhood enjoying the … [Continue reading]
ACC Trumps SEC… in Home Pricing
Boston, Mass. helps the ACC double up on the SEC in a recent study. Coldwell Banker Performed a College Market Analysis for homes in the communities of 119 Division 1A schools. The model home used was a 2,220 sq. ft. home with 4 bedrooms/2.5 baths w/ … [Continue reading]
Watch Your Squirrel…
"A squirrel is to a home's chimney, as a mouse is to an elephant's trunk." FJ This is now first hand knowledge...A chimney sweep took a look at our chimney and lo and behold, he found some blockage. A 20 pound squirrel's nest to be more specific. A … [Continue reading]
Free “Song of the Day” Codes
As most of you know, Starbucks and iTunes have partnered to bring you a free "Song of the Day." I didn't pay much attention to the promotion until my wife called and asked me to pick up the song of the day. Since I'm in Starbucks so much, I thought I … [Continue reading]
“Dear Media: No More Negative Spins!”
This is an email I received from a state house operative. His thoughts mirror mine, in regards to The State's headlines attempt to sensationalize a condition in order to sell a few papers. My thoughts immediatley follow Nick's in the Post directly … [Continue reading]
Newspaper Sales Must Be Awful!!!
"HOME SALES PLUNGE" - This is the front page, above the fold headline we saw the other day. If you saw it, you noticed that the font size would rival "DEWEY DEFEATS TRUMAN." If memory serves, I think The State even spent the money to put a red … [Continue reading]
Wheeler Hill is Getting Hotter!
Go Wheeler Hill!As we all read in The State today, Wheeler Hill is about to get a face lift. This already awesome neighborhood is about to get better.Wheeler Hill is full of "city homes" that have all of the modern amenities and square footage … [Continue reading]
I Need a Name…
UNIVERSITY PARTNERS, Inc. is born!A big event happened today. I (along with a partner) bought a great piece of property at the crossroads of Wales Garden and Wheeler Hill. These 4 "quads" are on Wheat St. and are going to be converted into very well … [Continue reading]
We Should Expect Articles Like This…
Hardin: Gamecocks to bring their own brand of football Thursday, Oct. 11, 2007 3:00 amNO. 7 SOUTHCAROLINA ATNORTH CAROLINAWhen: 3:30 p.m. SaturdayWhere: Kenan Stadium, Chapel HillRecords: South Carolina 5-1; North Carolina 2-4Tickets: Sold … [Continue reading]
WHAT?! Am I in Bizarro World??
Risky market attracting fewer RealtorsBy PAGE IVEY - The Associated Press"Columbia, Greenville and other inland areas saw small gains year-to-year."This is a sentence in a rather large article that was in The State Newspaper today. Finally, someone … [Continue reading]