Newest Listings For Sale @ Downtown Columbia, SC
As you know from previous posts, I’m attempting to bring The Hotsheet (the latest listings to hit the market) back to the blog. This is proving to be a work in progress as I want to make it as easy as possible for readers to browse.
Here’s the thing. Rules of the industry make it such that I can’t blast all of the listings on this blog, as it gives the perception they’re all mine. While all I’ve ever done is use The Hotsheet as a reporting mechanism, this blog is obviously a marketing medium.
Again, ‘putting them all out there’ gives the general public the perception that all the listings are mine. This isn’t the case, obviously, but I still have to deal with it. Further, the term ‘medium’ is being intensly dissected in large form by REALTOR Associations around the country. It’s touchy. For example, if I want to “Tweet” someone elses cool new listing, do I need to attach the listing agents name to the Tweet? I dunno, and I’m not sure they do either.
I’ll get it right and in time, make it as smooth as possible for everyone. In the meantime, this edition of The Hotsheet includes the new listings in 29204, 29205, 29206, and 29209 from $150,000 – $10,000,000 within the last two weeks. If the site asks for a Username or Name, just type in “Blog,” (or whatever you want) and you will be good to go. Looks like there are 43 new properties on the list.
Thank you!
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