Morrison Decides To Refrain From Capital City Lore
Every now and then an opportunity comes along when a persons actions can make a real difference. As many folks think they would revel in such an opportunity, the truth is that after one performs a self cost/benefit analysis, the overwhelming pressure can halt the aforementioned opportunity.
Former mayoral candidate Steve Morrison has the pleasure (displeasure) of being in this touchy situation. For two weeks (the runoff time period), Mr. Morrison is the person that could be most responsible for Columbia’s future. However, Mr. Morrison has decided to dismiss himself of this responsibility and let the chips fall where they may.
I wasn’t going to type about this tonight, but Brad Warthen’s post on the subject prompted a thought or two.
I have to think that either my theory about the pressure is correct, or Morrisons pretty sure leading vote getter Steve Benjamin is going to win. The obvious reason for my thinking is that I can’t help but think Morrison will be voting for the Democratic leaning candidate.
It takes massive amounts of courage to make a pick when you know your voice could decide an election. On the other hand, it probably takes wisdom to recognize that a greater good is better served by a yielded opinion. In this example, only Steve Morrison can know.
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