Saturday’s Double Date Likely a Milestone Moment
Until she turns and faces forward, you wouldn’t even know my lovely wife is pregnant. It’s actually quite something to witness as I constantly hear the comment, “OMG, You don’t even look pregnant from behind!”
For whatever reason, Jenna didn’t want me to put the picture above on Facebook. Well, I’m not. Instead, I’m putting it on the blog because I’m proud of it. I like it because she looks great and it’s a milestone for us. This picture is probably the last image we’ll have as “just the two of us.”
Saturday night, we decided to go out with some of our BFF’s for one last outing. As usual for us, we went to a “local” establishment and had a great time. It was awesome because we were with great friends and we knew about half of the crowd. There were hugs all over the place.
Ginny, thank you for snapping the picture and Jenna please forgive me for posting it. I’m just a proud daddy to be. 🙂
Next ‘date’ = Babysitter !!!
Well, that was a sweet blog post! Thank you Darling.
Love you.
Love it! 🙂
awwwwww 🙂 you lil cutie-patooties! Be sure and make someone let us know when the baby gets here!!!