I understand it’s important for the citizens of a state and elected officials to know where their chief executive is. I realize too that it’s odd for the Office of the Governor to not know where their boss is. Having said this, I don’t think these are the reasons the national media outlets flew their correspondents and cameramen to South Carolina. In my bias the camera crews are camped out because of one person’s statements; Jenny Sanford.
If our First Lady had responded differently this story would be at an entirely different decibel level. Telling the world that she didn’t know where her husband was on Father’s Day weekend was just over the top. Telling the world that he was “writing something” just before Sanford’s office announced that he was hiking the Appalachian Trail raised even more eyebrows. This is what made everyone’s head shake. I mean, is Governor Sanford writing a Haiku? I just can’t believe that in the age of laptops he’s writing something on a mountain with a pencil.
Anyway, this story isn’t over. His staff is probably going crazy because the press is at every door.
I predict a next step will involve the Freedom of Information Act whereas someone will be investigating his cell phone records.
Hold on Sandlappers. South Carolina is making national news until something else more interesting happens.
I think she gave him up…out of spite, don't you? Also, his new SLED appointee was concerned as well (I read in the papers).