Every Day Is Father’s Day! :-)

For Me, Every Day Is Father’s Day!!!

Anyone make a little barf in their hand? 🙂

I don’t mean to be a complete cheese ball – I’m just saying that I’m a dude at total peace being a dad and so abundantly surrounded by love and affection that I can’t imagine anything more. Of course, this is when my sweet and beautiful daughters are not being total s*&^ heads.

Just kidding. Sort of. That said, even when they’re being, “not nice,” I try to be good at making things right in their worlds.

All this sounds great but, truth told, I’m pretty sure I’m not doing anything worth a crap without Jennifer being the mom she is.

Here’s the real deal; I didn’t know who I was before these babies made me a dad, and so much of the world makes more sense and things are much clearer now.

Happy Father’s day! My socks are awesome.


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