Great Friends + Cool Place = Good Times….

No matter where you are, bringing in the New Year is always great, as long as you are with family and/or friends. We ended ’07 and rang in ’08 with traditional vittles, big time college football and an overall grand time.

As expected, we arrived in Columbia around 2 o’clock today. Of course, we miss being at the beach. Having said this, we are ecstatic to be back in Columbia. For some reason (thank goodness for anxious buyers and sellers), it is difficult to be away from the midlands for many days at a time.

Jenna, you do a great job as group photographer…


  1. Forge ahead says

    How did you land that woman…you outkicked your coverage Jones ! Sorry I have been absent at Bucks…next week back on

  2. forge ahead,

    I know it, and I’m proud!!! Thank you…

    Get back to Starbucks! We haven’t held court down there in a few weeks. All of the regulars are back from vacation except for you.

    It was crowded today…

  3. Nerds !

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