‘Girls Night’ Takes It To Greenville, SC

Tuesday night my wife and a few friends decided to have a “Girl’s Night” in Greenville, SC. While Columbia may be ‘Famously Hot,’ Greenville is apparently pretty cool. Actually, from the pics and text messages I’ve received tonight, Greenville is a very big hit.
Being from Anderson, I’ve always known that Greenville has been a town on the move. When I moved to Columbia to attend USC in ’91, Greenville seemed to explode into a mid-metro cosmopolitan southern city. Apparently, it just keeps getting better.
I’m well aware that the schools in Greenville are some of the best in South Carolina. Now, the nightlife seems to be a great experience, too.
While at USC, I can remember my Grandaddy telling me that Greenville definitely had a modern ‘jump’ on the rest of the state because the city produced two straight two-term governors. Sure enough, 16 straight years of executive leadership from Riley and Campbell seem to have made a difference. BMW is probably the best example of this success, and the trickle down effects continue exponentially.
The pics above are our friends showing me what they think is my new office. They got an especially big kick out of the “We’re Open” sign as sort of a perfect fit omen for my late night habits.
Everyone that visits Greenville seems to be very impressed. I’ve seen many Tweets and Facebook updates about how awesome it is, I can only assume that folks visiting Columbia publicize positive experiences, too.
Who knows what the future holds and I’m glad that Coldwell Banker Caine has such a great presence in the Upstate. For now, I’m as happy as a little pig in the sunshine to live in Columbia and love my career at CB United. Come on home, ladies!


  1. What an awesome post! We work with Coldwell Banker Caine and we're excited about some of the new things they're doing – like the Real Estate Gallery you mention in your post. Come visit us again soon – and we'll do the same when we're in Cola!

  2. Everyone that visits Greenville seems to be very impressed.

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