I’ve said in front of others many times, including parents and friends, “My four years at USC may be the best years of my life. I mean, I lived a complete college experience, big time.”
I’m wrong.
When I say to my girls, “Girls, I feel like every day is Father’s Day,” it’s just not a barf in your hand sound bite. Maybe I’m more emotional that most, and that’s OK, but I’m just typing what’s in my heart and mind.
Today, I woke up late to somewhere near a dozen Father’s Day presents, three times as many hugs, two eggs, two pieces of toast, with salsa on top. After all that awesomeness, Jennifer took the girls to her hometown to hang with her dad, even for a few minutes (‘Rona). While they were gone, I drank a few gallons of coffee while doing a few loads of gross tennis laundry. After that, I hit five or six buckets of tennis balls from my buddy Steelman’s ball launcher.
After my sweat session, we visited a little meetin’ place the girls built last week deep in the woods of our neighborhood, complete with four Adirondack style chairs and cornhole set-up. All that fun was before coming home to giant slabs of Ribeyes and salad bowls full of tomatoes, oranges, and strawberries.
Within minutes of what is usually somewhat of hibernation/news watching time, the girls had the movie, “Cinderella,” ready to go. (When you’re a Girl Dad, you get asked, “Daddy, who’s your favorite princess?”) Now you know who my favorite princess is. 🙂
The hair and the beard are completely products of the times of Covid-19. As my hair grew when the barbershops were shut down, one of my twins said, “Daddy, I want to see what you look like in a beard.” I thought, “Mmmmmkayyyy…. if I can make this girl happy by this, this is the time to do it.”
The long hair and beard experiment have been interesting. Folks I’ve known for two decades have passed by me three or four times before hearing my voice and then they say, “Franklin??.” It’s been pretty funny.
The most interesting and I guess funny (not really) comment I’ve received five or six times is, “It makes you look younger!”
So….a full GRAY beard makes me look younger than the last time you saw me. Ugh. Hmmm. OK. Thank You?
All in all, it was another wonderful day with these sweet baby girls.
Big thanks to Jennifer for all she does to make our lives amazing, and I think and hope she feels, in some way, the same way.
2020 Father’s Day was awesome again today.
Thank you!
Franklin Jones
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