Father’s Day Becomes An Entire Relaxing Weekend
I’ve never been one to make a huge deal of holidays. That said, I have to admit that my first Father’s Day was pretty cool.
Father’s Day inadvertently became a Father’s Weekend as Jenna took Finley to the beach with her parents. While I recognize not being with Finley doesn’t fit into the mold of “Father’s Day,” it was kinda nice to ‘kick up’ and relax on Friday and Saturday nights.
What a fantastic and relaxing weekend! Friday I had dinner with Gunn and Dillard, then hung out with my brother, Michael, cat fishing until about 3:30 am. Saturday was dinner with the Denemarks, Owens, Dubeys and Cacioppos, then late night with Gunn, Amanda and other buds.
Finley was back Sunday but her beach trip gave me the ability to be in church (FBC-Columbia) with my dad and grandaddy. It may be on the cheesy side, but have to admit it was pretty cool to participate when the preacher called for all dads to ‘stand up’ during the service.
By Sunday afternoon my wife and baby were back, and I got to love and hold Finley until my sweet baby girl completely crashed out.
For the first time I was on the receiving end of, “Happy Father’s Day!” It’s an awesome feeling and my first year as a dad was compounded as it became a full, fun weekend.
Love it 🙂