In all my Facebooking I don’t think I’ve ever participated in a Throwback Thursday (I know, it’s technically Friday by now – 2:51AM). That said, check this out. I bet not even 1% of my closest friends know about this ‘TBT’ diddy. Well… that’s me punching Earl Campbell in the arm as to ask him to stop embarrassing me in front of my classmates. Sorry about the ears… 🙂
About three and a half decades ago I got to take local hero to my 2nd grade’s “Show & Tell.” We lived in a suburb of Houston, Texas (Katy, Texas). Well, for some reason my dad was buddies with a bunch of the NFL’s Houston Oilers. No idea why or how, but I remember being around Oiler players, on the field of the Astrodome, and the locker room. It was the age of Bum Phillips, Dan Pastorini, and Billy “White Shoes” Johnson. When we lived in Katy I can remember scoring a soccer goal and copying Billy “White Shoes” Johnson’s touchdown dance. Haha
I remember Earl Campbell’s house, and Earl holding my little brother and sister in his lap. Earl’s house was so cool and sleek for the time. It had trophies all over it. Dozens and dozens on trophies, some taller than me. One stood alone, higher than all the others, with spotlights beaming on it from all different angles. It was the Heisman Trophy. It was very obvious that it was the one thing he cared about most, and it sure was cool to look at.
The “autograph” in the pic above reads. “To Franklin; You know we did good didn’t we. Peace and Love, Earl Campbell.” I used to have posters, blue Pony shoes, pics, chin straps – He signed all his stuff, “Peace and Love..”
After Earl came to my classroom for the “Show & Tell” (the Newspaper pic), everyone started clearing out. I had no idea this was going to happen, but they took us to the gym and gave me a microphone in front of the whole school. Someone whispered in my ear to say, “Here he is!” I did it, and the Houston Oiler fight song blasted through the speakers and down the human aisle walked “The Tyler Rose,” Earl Campbell. I have no idea what he talked about.
What brought up this post, and who cares? Well, no one cares, but the other night I happened to catch Earl on TV sharing an interview with USC Gamecock and now Houston star Jadaveon Clowney. When I saw it was coming up as one of the next segments I jumped off the sofa and texted my brother and dad to make sure they were watching our old buddy.
Not long after that picture was taken we were on our way to live in Anderson, SC!
So there’s my first and prolly last Throwback Thursday.
Thanks for letting me reminisce. When I saw that segment and Jennifer told me what box the old Oiler/Earl pics were in, I had to do it.
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