Every year the Central Carolina REALTOR Association (CCRA) uses the spring quarterly luncheon as an opportunity to collect box fans for those that may need them around the Midlands of South Carolina. Representatives from Richland, Lexington, and Orangeburg Sherrif’s Departments attend and take the fans and distribute them, accordingly.
The pics above are a couple of snapshots of what’s going and I think it’s pretty freaking awesome! Today the membership of the CCRA showed up for today’s luncheon and donated and delivered over 200 box fans to the law enforcement professionals in attendance to take back to their offices/departments.
I’m proud to be REALTOR in our community and thankful to the leadership and amazing staff members of the CCRA that organizes the events and makes all of it happen.
If you or anyone you know would like to know more and/or enter the very rewarding career path of real estate sales, please don’t hesitate to call or text me at 803-447-8683 or email Franklin@TheNeighborhoodRE.com and let’s talk about it!
Thank you, CCRA!
Franklin Jones
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