This weekend we had the pleasure of co-hosting an engagement party for some of my best friends. In late January of 2016 Michael Gunn and Amanda Mott will get married and start a life together. In the meantime, we’re having a good time leading up to it.
Saturday night we all gathered at the Congaree Hunt Club to catch up with each other, tell stories, listen to good music, eat phenomenal food, and pretty much laugh our a**es off.
The pic above is of the bride and me (I suppose that’s obvious). What’s so funny? What you don’t see is moments before this photo, Amanda was posing as if the dude taking the picture was aiming at her. As pretty as Amanda is, what he’s really doing is taking a pic of my stupid socks.
To make a long story short, Travis Hollis works at Granger Owings Classic Clothiers. As I was trying on shoes one day they let me use the striped socks in the picture. You know, to keep the toe funk off their fancy shoes. Fast forwarding a little, I walked out the door with that Ralph Lauren hosiery like I owned it. Straight up shoplifted. That said, when Amanda found out Travis was taking a picture of a pair of socks for a future police report and not pointing the lens at her bridal self – there ya go. #feltstupe
A good time was had by all. Thank you to Michael and Amanda and all of the hosts that made for a fun Saturday night!
Fun shot, Travis!!
Franklin Jones
Disclaimer: If this post incriminates me to the point of going to the clink in any way, I made the whole thing up. 🙂
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