Second Photo Is From Jeff Duncan’s (R-SC) Camera
Some folks will pronounce that President Obama’s speech to the nation was awesome, and some will say it honked. It doesn’t take a political scientist to recognize supporters and haters of any party or political figure.
I think Joe Scarborough probably has it ‘most right’. “It was boring.” Admittedly, I was only half listening but remember the most memorable line being, “This is our generation’s Sputnik moment.” He may be right on with this, but I’m pretty sure this metaphor won’t be immortalized in any “History of Speeches” books. We’ll see.
As charismatic as President Obama can be, it’s going to be a tough task to command the public eye anytime House Speaker John Boehner is sitting behind him. The Speaker is as orange as Snookie and constantly weeping. I mean, I’ve been known to be emotional, but his tan is so orange that sometimes the Speaker looks like a wet kumquat.
All in all, who cares?! If we can ‘get it done’, Obama and Boehner can give speeches and cry all they want.

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